Select one of the default backgrounds or upload one my photos to use a background image. Click the settings (gear) icon and open Virtual Background. If you don’t like the room, or office you are in, these services give users the option to upload a new background image. With the temporary situation of Work From Home, many of us are using Zoom and Teams for video conferencing. Today and one more week, I’ll be posting 8 photos each Sunday that you can download and use for your background. Check out this article from The Verge for instructions on adding backgrounds to Teams. Microsoft Teams added the option for virtual backgrounds.

Please contact the IT Services Help Desk for questions about Microsoft Teams.It’s time for another free set of images to use as virtual backgrounds in Zoom and Teams. Your new background settings take effect during the Teams meeting and remain for future meetings. Click or tap the "x" icon to close the background settings right panel.Click or tap Apply (or "Apply and turn on video" if your camera is off).

When your background is ready, click the "x" icon to close background settings.Or you can click or tap Add new to upload your own background image from your computer.You can select an image from the choices displayed.You can blur your background to mask your surroundings.A right panel shows background settings.If you do not see background filters, make sure you are using the desktop software and not a web browser.