The custom content 'Peak' hairstyle will be linked to the 'Short' hairstyle if used on adults and teenagers with brown hair, the 'Hat Tricorn Green' hairstyle if used on child male Sims with brown hair, the 'Gibs' hairstyle if used on Sims with red hair, and the 'Short Combed' hairstyle if used on Sims with blonde hair.The information listed above refers to what hairstyles the 'Peak' hairstyle will be linked to if used on Sims with black hair. The custom content 'Peak' hairstyle will be linked to the 'Bald Stubble' hairstyle if used on toddlers with brown or blonde hair, and the 'Simple' hairstyle if used on toddlers with red hair.The information listed above refers to what hairstyles the 'Lycan' hairstyle will be linked to if used on Sims with black hair. The custom content 'Lycan' hairstyle will be linked to the 'Gibs' hairstyle if used on teenagers and child male Sims with brown or red hair, the 'Rice Bowl' hairstyle if used on teenagers and child male Sims with blonde hair, and the 'Simple' hairstyle if used on toddlers with brown or red hair.The front locks stick over the forehead more. I commonly refer to the 'Long Simple' hairstyle introduced with the Open for Business expansion pack for adult males as the 'Long Simple' hairstyle, because it closely resembles the 'Long Simple' hairstyle for adult females from the base game, except that it is a bit different.

Which Male Hairstyles are Available to Which Life Stages Baby

2 Which Female Hairstyles are Available to Which Life Stages.

1 Which Male Hairstyles are Available to Which Life Stages.